Environmental Cleanup Notice

Contamination was discovered in 1992 in the former vehicle fueling area located in the northeast corner of the gravel parking lot near the sidewalk at poplar Springs School. This contamination was determined eligible for State-funded cleanup under the Petroleum Liability and Restoration Insurance Program in 1993. In 1992, 1,500 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed together with the former tanks. The contamination assessment is complete, a groundwater remediation system is currently in operation. No soil contamination was detected above cleanup target levels but there is groundwater contamination above State drinking water standards identified in the proximity of the former tank area. There is a potable water well located on the school site and several private wells are located within 1/4-mile of the site. The school well was last sampled by the Department of Health in October 2004 with no contamination detected. The risk of exposure is considered to be relatively low because there is no soil contamination, and the potable wells are upgradient from the groundwater contamination in the shallow aquifer.